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DocumentSale Catalog Br-314
Auction HouseChristie's -- from catalog: Mr. Christie
Sale LocationPremises, Chinkford Hall, Walthamstow, Essex, England, UK
Seller(s)Houghton, W.
from catalog: W. Houghton, Esq. at Chinkford Hall
from auctioneer's copy: [Same]
Lugt Number6908
No. of Painting Lots25
NotesThis sale was devoted to the contents of Chingford Hall in Essex, the residence of the late W. Houghton, and consisted primarily of furniture, including a few paintings, as well as the livestock and a crop of hay. The descriptions of the paintings are brief and generic, with the exception of lot 22, which depicted the Dead Christ with the Virgin Mary and Saints, described as "a curious Specimen of the early Stile of Oil Painting." The prices were uniformly low, none exceeding £4, perhaps because the sale took place in the country, and all but four of the 25 lots were sold to a certain "Parker." (B. Fredericksen)
Catalog Location(s)CL [annotations used in Sales Contents; photocopy in Provenance Index Sales Files] Auctioneer's copy, annot. with all buyers and prices.
PhotocopiesBIB, CIL, NGL, FLNY and RKDH (all of CL)
See AlsoSale Contents
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