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DocumentSale Catalog Br-A1834
Auction HouseEgerton -- from catalog: [Egerton]
Sale Location[Unknown], London, England, UK
Seller(s)Grose, Francis, Capt.
from catalog: F. Grose, Esq.
Lugt Number4761
No. of Painting Lots301
NotesThe seller was the antiquarian and draftsman Capt. Francis Grose, 1731-1791. His father, also Francis Grose, had posthumous sales in 1770. Many of the anonymous views in the sale can probably be attributed to him. Sale location not given.
"A Catalogue of the Prints, Drawings, &c. of the Late F. Grose, Esq."
Catalog Location(s)EBNP department copy on fiche. includes first 3 days, which are not in scope
BMPL [annotations used in Sales Contents; photocopy in Provenance Index Sales Files] Annot. with all prices and many names. Incomplete, 3 days of sale missing.
VAL I Annot. with some prices. Incomplete, 3 days of sale missing.
VAL II Not Annot. Incomplete, 3 days of sale missing.
See AlsoSale Contents
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