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DocumentSale Catalog Br-4866
Auction HouseChristie's -- from catalog: Messrs. Christie and Manson
Sale LocationKing St., St. James's Square, London, England, UK
Seller(s)Zachary, Michael Mucklow
from catalog: M.M. Zachary, Esq., deceased
Lugt Number15002
NotesJPGM has another photocopy, of NGL? NGW gives totals as 4738.3. FLNY is marked with "bought" by lots 34, 48 and 56. Bought by Bohn?
Catalog Location(s)CL [photocopy in Provenance Index Sales Files] Auctioneer's copy, annot. with all buyers and prices.
BIB [photocopy in Provenance Index Sales Files] Annot. with most buyers and prices.
NGL Annot. with all buyers and prices.
RKDH [photocopy in Provenance Index Sales Files] Annot. with many buyers and all prices for the second day only. It belonged to the dealer John Smith and the annotations are his.
EBNP Annot. with all prices for the first day and most buyers and all prices for the second day. It belonged to the dealer Nieuwenhuys and the annotations are his.
AAP Annot. with all prices.
VAL Not annot.
FLNY Annot. in pencil with a few buyers and all prices for lots 15-56 on the second day. It belonged formerly to H.G. Bohn, York St., Covent Garden.
YCNH [photocopy in Provenance Index Sales Files] Not annot. It belonged to Wm. Upcott.
NGW Annot. with some buyers and many prices, primarily on the second day. There are also a few modern notes by E.K. Waterhouse.
BLO Not annot.
PhotocopiesCIL (of BIB) and BMPL (of YCNH)
See AlsoSale Contents
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